In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    shapla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  writes:

> I have used the ServiceControl element as below:
> <ServiceControl Id='ADService' Name='XYZ AdminConsole' Start='both'
>             Stop='uninstall'/>

But didn't you say you wanted to *restart* the service?  The calls for
a stop and a start.

> I have logged on as Administrator and "XYZ AdminConsole" is running.
> Now if I run my MSI package, it is failing and showing: Service 'XYZ
> AdminConsole'(XYZ AdminConsole) failed to start. Verify that you have
> sufficient preveledges to start system services.
> Do you have any idea about? 

Windows Installer is essentially just doing a "net stop <svc>" to stop
a service and a "net start <svc>" to start a service.  It uses a
default timeout of 30 seconds, IIRC.  You can adjust the timeout if a
service is particularly slow to start.

Basically, Windows Installer is just doing what you asked of it here;
it doesn't know why a service didn't start.  You'll have to look more
into the service itself to identify why it didn't start.  The "Verify
that..." message is just a catch all warning for the common problem of
not having sufficient privileges to control the service.
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