Mark Allanson wrote:
> Just wondering how I can go about enabling trace from WiX custom 
> actions. The perf counter install is failing without letting me know 
> why (other than the standard windows installer error 1723, a DLL count 
> not be run). I have had a look through the wix CA code, and can see it 
> uses standard OutputDebugStringA, but can't see any trace output.

Only debug builds of WiX/wcautil use OutputDebugString. Otherwise, 
wcautil detects verbose logging and will write those messages to the MSI 
log. MSI doesn't expose what kind of logging is enabled, so wcautil 
first checks for a LOGVERBOSE property being set; if not, it checks the 
MSI logging policy registry at 
to see if it includes the "v" switch. In very recent builds, I added a 
check for the standard MSI property MsiLogging (in MSI 4.0 on Vista) too.


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