Is there a limitation on the number of RadioButtons in a RadioButtonGroup?

i've tried several variations of the following code in dialogs, and it
always gives me a runtime error 2878 when trying to show that page and kills
the installer :

<RadioButtonGroup Property="PickOptions~">
        <RadioButton Text="Option 1" Value="Yes" X="5" Y="0" Width="250"
Height="15" />
        <RadioButton Text="Option 2" Value="No" X="5" Y="20" Width="250"
Height="15" />
        <RadioButton Text="Option 3" Value="No" X="5" Y="40" Width="250"
Height="15" />

however if I have only 2 RadioButton in there it works fine, I've also made
sure the Y co-ords do not extend out of the dialog.

I've tried this both with Wix2.x and 3.x
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