
I've been following the tutorials on the wix website and using wix v3
schema changes when necessary. When trying to use the IIS extension I
get the following error when using candle (I know you need to add the
library when using light.exe but I'm not aware of any changes for

candle.exe -nologo sampleSite.wxs

error CNDL0005: The Component element contains an unexpected child
element 'WebVirtualDir'
error CNDL0005: The Product element contains an unexpected child
element 'WebSite'

Here's a snippet:
<Component Id='TestWebVirtualDirComponent' Guid='Generated GUID'>
    <WebVirtualDir Id='TestWebVirtualDir' Alias='Test'
Directory='InstallDir' Website='TestWebSite'>
        <WebApplication Id='TestWebApplication' Name='ZenkoTest' />
<WebSite ...>

wix version: 3.0.3829.0

Any ideas as to what I'm missing?

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