Jared Ashman, gave me the example I needed to be able to GAC a publisher
policy file using WIX. It did GAC the publiser policy file, but WIX
exhibited what I would call unexpected behavior when it did it.

This is hard to explain, but it seems as if WIX, stored the
publisherpolicy.config files in a structure it created that was relative
to the directory where I created the msi.  When installing the package,
WIX then looked for the publisherpolicy.config, in the same structure
but relative to the directory the msi was executed from.  The structure
was the same as that specified in the "src" attribrute of the "file"
element, so looking at the example below, if I created the msi from the
"d:\wixfrags" directory, it would have stored the publisherpolicy.config
in the "D:\wixfrags\bin" directory and if the msi was executed from the
"d:\msi" directory, it would have looked for it in the "D:\msi\bin"

I am flummoxed as to why this happened.  Does anyone have any idea?

Example fragments:
<Component Id="MyBinaries" DiskId="1"
                      <File Id="file19" Name="ALDC6F_1.DLL"
LongName="MY.Messaging.dll" Checksum="yes" Compressed="yes"
ReadOnly="yes"  Vital="yes" src="D:\bin\MyMessaging.dll" />
                      <File Id="file21" Name="PPOLI_1.PDB"
LongName="policy.2.1.MyMessaging.dll" Checksum="yes" Compressed="yes"
ReadOnly="yes"  Vital="yes" src="D:\bin\policy.2.1.MyMessaging.dll" />
                      <File Id="file23" Name="POLCFG.PDB"
LongName="publisherPolicy.config" Checksum="yes" Compressed="yes"
ReadOnly="yes"  Vital="yes" src="D:\bin\publisherPolicy.config" />
                    <Component Id="MessagingTibco" DiskId="1"
                       <File Id="gac32" Name="MSGT_3.DLL"
LongName="MyMessaging.dll" Assembly=".net" Checksum="yes"
Compressed="yes" KeyPath="yes" Vital="yes" src="D:\bin\MyMessaging.dll"
                    <Component Id="PublisherPolicy" DiskId="1"
                      <File Id="gac30" Name="PUB_1.DLL"
LongName="policy.2.1.MyMessaging.dll" Assembly=".net" Checksum="yes"
Compressed="yes"  KeyPath="yes" Vital="yes"
src="D:\bin\policy.2.1.MyMessaging.dll" />
                      <File Id="polcfg" Name="pol.cfg"
LongName="publisherPolicy.config" KeyPath="no" Vital="yes"
src="D:\bin\publisherPolicy.config" />


Kenny Alperstein 
Framework Architect 
Architecture Services - AID Team 
Allstate Insurance Company 
* Office: (847) 667-5552 

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