Can anyone recommend a good place to start with Votive & WiX on VS2008?  
I know a bit about MSIs from using Wise and Orca for some years, would 
like to maximize the Votive experience rather than hand-code WXS files.

I've found a tutorial on CodeProject "Creating an installer using Wix 
v3.0, Votive and Visual Studio 2005/8 - part 2, the GUI" --part 1 seems 
to have vanished--  but things are not working as expected (for example 
in the 'Project --> Add Reference' dialog, nothing happens when I click 
OK; the dialog stays open and there are no noticeable results). Maybe 
I've got some bad binaries somewhere ... so it would be good to try 
following someone else's instructions.

thanks for any pointers

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