I've tried using Upgrade/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"MyFeature"] but it also does not 
remove the feature files;
I've even tried call msiexec /f myapp.msi REMOVE=MyFeature ... nothing helps!!!
Documentation says RemoveExistingProducts is NOT run in maintenance 
And maintenance installation is when you add/remove features in the current 

So the questions are even simpler:
 - how to command MSIEXEC to remove features (and files from the product 
 - how to use WiX to build msi package that automatically removes features in 
minor upgrades;

  George S.


Can anybody tell me what is the preferred way to remove files during minor

For example:

I have installed MyApp.msi (contains MyApp v1.0) wich has MyData component;
I try to update (msiexec /fvdo myapp.msi) with new MyApp.msi (contains MyApp
v1.1) which has MyData component removed;

The problem is that during the second (update) installation the MyData
component file is not removed but is installer updates its cache that this
file is not part of the installation and does not remove the file during the
uninstallation of the product;

So far I have succeeded with replacing the File element with RemoveFile element 
into the component element but it seems ugly to have empty component just for 
the sake of removing files;
Of course custom actions are always the final resort but I don't want to go 
there if I don't need to;

So, what is the recommended way of removing components in minor upgrades
(service packs)?

George S. 

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