Surely the installation state of a package shouldn't roam with the profile?
HKCU\Software\Classes doesn't (on XP it's UsrClass.dat in
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows, on Vista
that moves to AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows). And the files are installed
to the local machine's disks - a given installation won't necessarily be in
the same location on two different systems.

I don't think it does roam - all the data is under
S-SID, whereas for All Users installs, it's under S-1-5-18. (Note: as
always, this is an implementation detail and shouldn't be relied on.)

It doesn't matter, though. All you need to know is that Windows Installer
treats the All Users store and each user's store as separate, and will
search only the user's store, if ALLUSERS is not present, or only the All
Users store, if ALLUSERS=1.

Mike Dimmick

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Arnson
Sent: 29 March 2008 20:16
To: Donal McWeeney
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] product search using product code?

It doesn't do that because it's frequently not possible. For example, 
even an admin user wouldn't be able to peek into the per-user registry 
of a user whose profile isn't loaded (e.g., roaming profiles).

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