I think here is the issue, WiX code base- SQLExtension.wxs

 <CustomAction Id="CreateDatabase" BinaryKey="ScaExecute2"
DllEntry="CreateDatabase" Execute="deferred" Return="check" HideTarget="yes"
SuppressModularization="yes" *TerminalServerAware="yes"* />
        <CustomAction Id="RollbackCreateDatabase" BinaryKey="ScaExecute2"
DllEntry="DropDatabase" Execute="rollback" Return="check" HideTarget="yes"
SuppressModularization="yes" *TerminalServerAware="yes"* />
        <CustomAction Id="DropDatabase" BinaryKey="ScaExecute2"
DllEntry="DropDatabase" Execute="deferred" Return="check" HideTarget="yes"
SuppressModularization="yes" *TerminalServerAware="yes"* />
        <CustomAction Id="ExecuteSqlStrings" BinaryKey="ScaExecute2"
DllEntry="ExecuteSqlStrings" Execute="deferred" Return="check"
HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" *TerminalServerAware="yes"* />
        <CustomAction Id="RollbackExecuteSqlStrings" BinaryKey="ScaExecute2"
DllEntry="ExecuteSqlStrings" Execute="rollback" Return="check"
HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" *TerminalServerAware="yes"* />

TerminalServerAware should be set to "No" and Impersonate should be set to
"no", that should fix it.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 6:43 PM, Bob Arnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sajo Jacob wrote:
> > Any clues how to fix this?
> >
> If SQL Express requires elevated privileges to drop a database, it works
> differently than SQL Server and will require a different CA to do so. It
> might be the same code but a new CA entry to be elevated.
> --
> sig://boB
> http://joyofsetup.com/
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