I have a product that can be built two ways.  I have two WiX installer
projects in visual studio, sharing many of the same wxs files.  One project
defines a variable in the project settings to cause some of the .wxs files
to compile differently, like this:
    <Component Id="someFiles" Guid="8909196A-8C89-497c-A850-868D7648F063" >
      <File Id="file1" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\File1.exe" KeyPath="yes"
      <?ifdef IsVersionA ?>
      <File Id="File2" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\File2_A.txt"
      <File Id="File2" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\File2.txt"
      <File Id="File3" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\File3.txt"

    <Directory Id="ConfDir" Name="conf">
      <Component Id="configFiles"
        <?ifdef IsVersionA ?>
          <File Id="ConfigFile"
Source="..\..\SharedFiles\conf\server-A.conf" Name="server.conf"/>
          <File Id="ConfigFile" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\conf\server.conf"
        <File Id="otherConfig" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\etc\"

When my project built with "IsVersionA=true" defined in the project settings
"File2.txt" in the msi was a copy of "File2_A.txt" but "server.conf" was a
copy of "..\..\SharedFiles\conf\server.conf"  NOT the expected

When investigating I manually rebuilt only this project from the solution
(after shuffling some lines around to make File Id="otherConfig" the key
file of Component Id="configFiles") both files were correct.  Note that
there is another project in the solution that shares this same .wxs file and
does not define the IsVersionA variable.  I thought at the least that if for
some reason the .wxs wasn't being recompiled properly between project builds
when I built the solution (doing a "rebuild") that the results would be
consistent within the single .wxs.  They clearly were not - QA reported the
file inconsistency. I double checked to confirm the problem by using orca to
check the file sizes in the .msi.  Then I double checked the preprocessor
conditions in the .wxs source file. It was somewhat baffeling.

I'm using an older build of WiX 3 (3.0.2925.0) because the recent builds
don't work well with Visual Studio 2005.

Of course we are noticing this now only a day or two away from when we need
to release the production build... argh!

Can anyone shed some light (hey that's almost a pun) on what might be going
on and how I might deal with it in a reliable way.  Getting inconsistent
output from your build tools isn't a good thing.


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