Attempts to reproduce the problem failed, the problem changed to simply not
recompiling the source file in the new project.. I fixed that by specifying
different "obj" dirs for each project.

And I say, "Wow sourceforge hasn't been updated with a new build for over a

I read the "News" of January 11, 2008...  but seriously, if you guys are
going to be lazy about updating sourceforge, for over a year, and then you
go asking for feedback on all these bug fixes... If you are serious about
wanting feedback you should just replace the stale download link for 3.0
(beta) with a link to the weeklies.


On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Rob Mensching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Wow, 3.0.2925.0 is a year old.  There are hundreds of bug fixes and changes
> since then.  Hmm, there have been some fixes to preprocessor recently to
> correctly handle relative paths when include files included include files
> and something to fix <?ifdef?> (but I think that was a regression).  After
> that, I'm really at a loss...
> I know that there have been reports of issues in VS2005 but Jason has been
> fixing a lot of them.  He's also not having much luck getting repros of some
> issues people have reported.  Maybe if you can help work out the VS2005
> issues in the latest WiX v3 builds then we can track down the preprocessor
> issue (assuming it still exists) at the same time?
> Also, for everyone's benefit, this is why I always encourage anyone who is
> going to adopt the "in progress WiX toolset" (WiX v3 in this case) to keep
> up to date (at least monthly).  If you get too far behind and hit a bug then
> you can get trapped in a difficult position.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Palmer
> Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 06:21
> To:
> Subject: [WiX-users] Preprocessor ifdef did odd thing
> I have a product that can be built two ways.  I have two WiX installer
> projects in visual studio, sharing many of the same wxs files.  One project
> defines a variable in the project settings to cause some of the .wxs files
> to compile differently, like this:
> ...
>    <Component Id="someFiles" Guid="8909196A-8C89-497c-A850-868D7648F063" >
>      <File Id="file1" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\File1.exe" KeyPath="yes"
> Name="File1.exe">
>      </File>
>      <?ifdef IsVersionA ?>
>      <File Id="File2" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\File2_A.txt"
> Name="File2.txt"/>
>      <?else?>
>      <File Id="File2" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\File2.txt"
> Name="File2.txt"/>
>      <?endif?>
>      <File Id="File3" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\File3.txt"
> Name="File3.txt"/>
>    </Component>
>    <Directory Id="ConfDir" Name="conf">
>      <Component Id="configFiles"
> Guid="936B3B83-AF5D-47ba-9985-3B4D22E6353B">
>        <?ifdef IsVersionA ?>
>          <File Id="ConfigFile"
> Source="..\..\SharedFiles\conf\server-A.conf" Name="server.conf"/>
>        <?else?>
>          <File Id="ConfigFile" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\conf\server.conf"
> Name="server.conf"/>
>        <?endif?>
>        <File Id="otherConfig" Source="..\..\SharedFiles\etc\"
> Name="server-password.conf"/>
>      </Component>
>    </Directory>
> ...
> When my project built with "IsVersionA=true" defined in the project
> settings
> "File2.txt" in the msi was a copy of "File2_A.txt" but "server.conf" was a
> copy of "..\..\SharedFiles\conf\server.conf"  NOT the expected
> "..\..\SharedFiles\conf\server-A.conf"
> When investigating I manually rebuilt only this project from the solution
> (after shuffling some lines around to make File Id="otherConfig" the key
> file of Component Id="configFiles") both files were correct.  Note that
> there is another project in the solution that shares this same .wxs file
> and
> does not define the IsVersionA variable.  I thought at the least that if
> for
> some reason the .wxs wasn't being recompiled properly between project
> builds
> when I built the solution (doing a "rebuild") that the results would be
> consistent within the single .wxs.  They clearly were not - QA reported the
> file inconsistency. I double checked to confirm the problem by using orca
> to
> check the file sizes in the .msi.  Then I double checked the preprocessor
> conditions in the .wxs source file. It was somewhat baffeling.
> I'm using an older build of WiX 3 (3.0.2925.0) because the recent builds
> don't work well with Visual Studio 2005.
> Of course we are noticing this now only a day or two away from when we need
> to release the production build... argh!
> Can anyone shed some light (hey that's almost a pun) on what might be going
> on and how I might deal with it in a reliable way.  Getting inconsistent
> output from your build tools isn't a good thing.
> Thanks,
> Scott
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