James Minnis wrote:
> Right now, I'm generating a merge module 

Do you have a specific need for a merge module? (i.e., are you sharing 
it with others so they can create installers?) If not, avoid merge 
modules. They needlessly complicate things, as you're finding out with #1.

> 1) I want to create shortcuts to several of the files in the merge module.
> I'm doing this currently in a start menu shortcuts component in the main
> installer.  However, I cannot figure out how to reference the directories in
> the merge module in the main project (I get an empty string when I try to
> reference them like I do the directories in the main installer project).
> How do I reference the directories?  Or is there a better way to do this?

You can't. Merge modules are supposed to be self-contained, so if you 
want shortcuts, define them in the merge module. Or don't use merge modules.

> 2) The components in the merge module are generated with GUIDs.  If I
> regenerate the merge module WXS file using Heat (e.g. if I add files), those
> GUIDs change.  How will this affect patches?  Will the patch recognize the
> files as being the same, or will it consider all of the files changed and
> overwrite everything?  Will I need to add files manually to the merge module
> WXS file to make patching work correctly?

You won't be able to patch. The WiX approach is to use stable GUIDs 
(heat's -ag switch). But with 7000 files, that's going to cause some 
long pauses during costing.


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