I am trying to include a custom action and running into a problem. 

                I am using WiX v3 and visual Studio 2005 (VC 8). 

                When I try to compile and link a no-op test  dll, auto
generated using Votive:


1>   Creating library bin\Debug\CA_PTK.lib and object

1>dutil.lib(precomp.obj) : fatal error LNK1103: debugging information
corrupt; recompile module


                dutil.lib is at   sdk\lib under Wix V3 install dir.  


Linker info: 

Additional dependencies: msi.lib dutil.lib wcautil.lib 

Additional library directories:  



Also for msi.lib: I downloaded Microsoft SDKs/v6.1  - that does not
contain msi.lib. 

Any pointers to resolving this linker issue and how to get msi.lib will
be much appreciated. 




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