   The current problem, that I am fighting with is

I have an msi which has simple UI (shown in the first lesson of the
tutorial), and its copying (two) files to the defined directory. Due to some
actions one of the file got deleted and the other file got edited. Now when
I execute my msi (same msi)

1. by using "msiexec /i sample.msi", the files status remains same in the
target folder ( i.e one file is not present and other is in the modified
2. by using "msiexec /i sample.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomu", the
file which got deleted is getting created but the file which got edited is
not getting replace with the older one (I understood with other posts, that
if the current file version is greater than the replaceable file version
then it won't be)

             So my requirement is when ever I execute my msi, I should get
the initial version of the files (i.e. if they are edited they should be
replaced with the older ones and if any got deleted they should be copies).
Nothing but, I want to implement a repair option using the same msi.

                                                          Thanks for the
information that you are all sharing,


P.S. Here is the code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi";>
 <Product Id="{3BA9AA8B-11E3-4cc8-857B-1E9419E6FDF3}"
          Name="Reinstall Application"
          Manufacturer="Pvt Ltd.">

    <Package Id="{CDA094A1-57C0-4d8a-97C5-9561F67240B3}"
             InstallerVersion="200" />

        <Media Id="1" Cabinet="Rinstall.cab" EmbedCab="yes"/>

        <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
            <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
                <Directory Id="ReinstallDir" Name="RDIR">
                    <Component Guid="{624A31F4-6E7D-4222-B2CE-AE61BA4B9389}"
                        <File Id="file1" Name="File1.txt" Source="file1.txt"
                        <File Id="file2" Name="File2.txt" Source="file2.txt"

        <Feature Id="feature1" Level="1">
            <ComponentRef Id="Comp1"/>
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