

I am using the <pca:complusapplication> to install the com dll in com+
server. I am able to install the dll in the com +

Server which having only one class (component) but I am not able to
install dll having multiple classes (multiple component)

Kindly refer the following component portion of the wxs file to install
the com+ assembly.


<Component Id="CrcOcx" DiskId="1"


            <User Id="USR" CreateUser="no" Domain="HCS-PCS0310"
Name="ASPNET" Password="Merrill6">





            <File Id="CrcOcx" Name="CrcOcx" LongName="Extractor.dll"
src="C:\SetUp\Portalapi\DirectMarketsAPI.dll" />



            <pca:ComPlusApplication Id="ComCrc" Password="pwd"
ShutdownAfter="" Name="CRC COM Application"
Activation="inproc" Deleteable="no"  Changeable="yes" >


              <pca:ComPlusAssembly Id="ComCrcAssembly" Type="native"
DllPath="[#CrcOcx]" >

                <pca:ComPlusComponent Id="ComCrc"
CLSID="26178944-E700-4A1E-8932-922BA8E35D2D" >


                <pca:ComPlusComponent Id="ComCrc1"


                <pca:ComPlusComponent Id="ComCrc2"


                <pca:ComPlusComponent Id="ComCrc3"






              <pca:ComPlusApplicationRole Id="crcrOLE" Name="crcrOLE">

                <pca:ComPlusUserInApplicationRole Id="crcuser"




The above dll consists of four classes. I have given four class id for
four classes. But unable to register the dll in com +.

Kindly suggest the workaround.




            <RemoveFile Id="RemoveCrc" On="uninstall" />









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