> I have a situation where I need to run the same installer more than once on a 
> web server.  The situation is that I want to be able to install to a given 
> web site once for each customer we have on the same web server.  As I get 
> more customers for a given product, I want to be able to re-run the original 
> installer and choose a new web site to deploy to.  AFAIK, I can't re-run a 
> given msi. I am, however. trying to come up with a reasonable solution.
> The only work around I have come up with so far is to recreate the installer 
> for each customer with a different Product Id.  This is working Ok, but, now, 
> as expected, I get multiple entries in the Add/Remove Programs list.  In 
> addition, this seems like a lot of maintenance to me.

You'll need to change more than just Product ID, I believe, to
correctly follow component rules. The MSDN docs describe these rules.

I would look into using transforms to accomplish this.

Unfortunately, multiple installs of the same product on the same
machine is somewhat of a maintenance headache.

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