I've been struggling with this issue for some weeks now, and I've continued
to back burner it, but can't do that anymore.

I've built a WixExtension, and use it in several installers.  But I keep
running into problems with Votive / MSBuild loading the extension I've
built.  I'm guessing I'm having conflicts with the strong name signing or
something, but...  here's what I've done, and what's not working.

1.) I download the binary release and install it.  This is the only way I
know how to get Votive to work.
2.) I download the source and build it.  This is the only way I can get the
extension build tools I need.  (XsdGen, et al)
3.) I customize the Wix.Targets file to a Wix.Core.Targets so I can just
pull the tasks I need, without pulling the forced included files.  As it
stands, I can't add an xsdgen task to my project without pulling in the
SolutionInfo.cs files from the Wix distro unless I do this.
4.) I build the WixExtension, everything is happy.
5.) I build the Installer project using the WixExtension...  I get a candle
error "candle.exe(0,0): error CNDL0144: The extension
could not be loaded."

Now, I've poked and prodded and moved references around, and I got it to
work for about 2 weeks...  I have no idea what planetary alignment I managed
to create, but it worked.

Now, I'm trying to get these build working under TFS Team Build, and
everything has come back.

What the crap?   What is it I'm doing wrong, and how can I track this issue

I created a feature request a while back about including the extension build
tools in the binary release, but that has just never happened.  I'm positive
this an issue with me building these tools..  There's some version or strong
name mismatch, and something's choking.

Please, anyone, help me.  :-)

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