

I am trying to migrate my wix 2 wxs files to wix 3 RTM. After doing that with 
wixcop(great tool), I still get errors from candle.


error CNDL0035 : The Verb/@Sequence attribute cannot 
be specified when attribute Advertise is present with value 'no'.


Following is my codes in wxs file. This is actually from wix tutorial.


            <Component Id="myfile" Guid="8E4C47A3-4CDB-4c2c-A783-0B21747DFC3C">
                <ProgId Id="myfileid">
                    <Extension Id="my" ContentType="application/text">
                        <Verb Id="open" Sequence="10" Command="open" 
Target="[!FileId]" Argument="&quot;%1&quot;" />

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