I'm new to wix and have a couple of wix projects in our solution.  I'm now 
trying to put the UI setup in to a common WixLibrary that our other setup 
programs can link to.  I'm using Wix 3.0.  I've created a library project with 
the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
    <!-- Setup the UI -->
    <UIRef Id="WixUI_Minimal"/>
    <WixVariable Id="WixUIBannerBmp" Value="Banner.jpg"/>
    <WixVariable Id="WixUIDialogBmp" Value="Dialog.jpg"/>
    <Icon Id="AddRemove.ico" SourceFile="addremove.ico"/>
    <Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="AddRemove.ico" />

The images Banner.jpg and Dialog.jpg live in the library project folder.  This 
library references the WixUIExtension dll and it builds find.

I've then created a wix project that references this library but when I build 
that and run the resultant setup, I don't get the 'minimal' UI, I just get none 
(well, the progress bar doing the install).  If I put the above code inside the 
actual wix project, then the UI works as expected.

Are Wix libraries not meant for pre-compiling Wix code such as UI behaviour?  
Or do I have to do something else to get the actual wix project to link 
correctly to the library?  I've just added the library as a project reference.



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