The one day that you do decide to localize it, you won't suddenly find your
second language overwriting your MSI from the first.

How all this works can be found in the wix.targets file (AssignCultures

    Determines the final list of culture groups to build based on either the
Cultures property or
    those specified in .wxl files. 
      Culture groups specified in the Cultures property must be specified as
a semi-colon 
      delimited  list of groups, with comma-delimited cultures within a
      For example:
      This will build 2 targets, outputing to en-US and en-GB sub-folders.
Light will first look
      for strings in the first culture (en-US or en-GB) then the second
      Cultures of .wxl files will be used when the Culture property is not
set.  The culture of a 
      .wxl file is determined by the Culture attribute in the
WixLocalization element in the file

    Sets the OutputFolder metadata on each culture group.  In most cases
this is the same as the 
    first culture in the culture group.  When the Culture's property is
unspecified and no .wxl 
    files are provided this is the same as the output directory.  When the
Culture's property 
    specifies a single culture group and no .wxl files are provided this is
the same as the output

    Updates the TargetPath and TargetPdbPath properties to be used in
subsequent targets.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Due [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 10:31 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Using resource strings but not localizing the MSI

I have another problem with my installer, or rather, not so much a problem
as an annoyance. 

I have collected all string in my WiX project in a .wxl file, like this: 

<WixLocalization Culture="en-us"
    <String Id="SelectLanguageDlg>Select Nationality</String>
    <String Id="SelectLanguageTitle>{\WixUI_Font_Title}Select
    <String Id="SelectLanguageDescription">Select the language of the

My  intention is to collect all strings in one place, so that when we one
day decide to localize the installer, it is fairly easy to do. In any event
I think it is kinda a best practice, instead of having hardcoded text
scattered all over the place. 

However, this results in my MSI being placed in a en-us subfolder. It is not
critical, but it IS a bit annoying. I don't really wish to localize my
installer, I just want to collect my strings in a "resource file" for the
eventuality that I one day wants to localize it. 

I am a bit stumped by this, because the UI strings, and others strings seems
to be "localized" (I looked in the source code) in the same way, and unless
I include a .wxl file myself, I don't have to bother with the Culture thing
when these are included.

I checked my project settings, and the culture field is empty, and yet,
light.exe still insists on adding a -cultures:en-us to the parameters. 

How do I prevent WiX from assuming I want to localize and still be able to
collect all my string in a resource file? 
If this is the way it has to be, then so be it, I'll live with it, but it is
annoying that Light does this. 


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