I'm recoding a package in WiX. It includes a load of redistributable merge 
modules, and there are two different schemata defining the Feature and Feature_ 
columns.  Light.exe gives this error:

    error LGHT0204 : ICE32: Possible Mis-Aligned Foreign Keys, Feature.1 = s38, 
Extension.Feature_ = s32

(oddly the error seems to be issued only for some of the differences; many are 
unreported.)  The command line is

    light -ext WixUIExtension myfile.wixobj

Which is correct string length for the Feature column, 32 or 38?

Nmake halts the build when light exits. Is it safe to suppress the error (via 
light's command line switch)? Or should I go through the MSMs and adjust their 
schemata so all match?

If they should be changed, is there an easier way than doing each individually 
in Orca?

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