I think I understand the picture

Blair wrote:
> The intent is:
>  - A major update is an update that "replaces" all previous versions of a
> product. It never requires (usually) the previous version to be installed.
>  - A minor update is an identical copy of an original with some "minor"
> changes. You can't really remove anything in the "replacement package" from
> the already installed package (without involving major breaking things).
> The only way to have the "upgrade" contain only new stuff that combines with
> older stuff is to make an MSP and send it out.
> OnlyDetect should be 'no' and your upgrade package must have everything it
> needs by itself (it must not depend on the previous package ever having been
> installed).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Giora keinan [] 
> Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 1:57 AM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] multiple entries in add remove programs.
> Hello Again
> The Allusers were not the same. I set them both to Allusers = 1.
> I received the following results:
> In Major Update:
> - in case that the OnlyDetect='yes' :
>        There are two entries in the Add Remove Programs
> - in case that the OnlyDetect='no' :
>        There are is one entry in the Add Remove Programs
>        But all the files of the original installation are deleted. (only 
> the two components that are part of the upgrade are installed).
> In Minor Update:
> No change - the upgrade works, there is one entry in the Add remove 
> programs, the problem is that when I remove the program, only the 
> upgrade is removed.
> In the Minor mode I tried to debug using a log file and the 
> its stops the installation with error 2771. Looking at the log file the 
> msiexec is looking for a component that is part of the original 
> installation but not part of the upgrade.
> I am using the same feature name in both setup and upgrade.
> Thanks
> Giora
> Wilson, Phil wrote:
>> Assuming you did all that, and corrected the OnlyDetect value, then all I
> can think of now is that the Allusers value is not the same between the old
> version and the newer one. 
>> If you install and take an MSI log:
>> Msiexec /I <path to msi file> /l*v <path to a log file>
>> What does the log say, looking at all the FindRelatedProducts data? 
>> Phil Wilson 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Giora keinan [] 
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 6:43 AM
>> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] multiple entries in add remove programs.
>> Hello All
>> After playing two more days I made no progress.
>> I tried all the advises I got, including rewriting the wxs file 
>> following the example in Neil Sleightholm's blog.
>> I got the same two results:
>> Major upgrade: (Using '*') every thing works but I got two entries in 
>> the Add Remove Programs. One for the original installation and one for 
>> the Upgrade.
>> Minor Upgrade. (using the original component and product key).  I have 
>> only one Entry in the Add Remove Program but when I Uninstall this entry 
>> only the components that are part of the upgrade are removed.
>> I tried every combination of Keys automatic GUID and msiexec command 
>> line argument (including running directly the Upgrade.msi).
>> The application should be upgrade frequently, so we can't have an entry 
>> for each upgrade.
>> Thanks
>> Giora
>> Neil Sleightholm wrote:
>>> Goira, your Product/@UpgradeCode doesn't match Upgrade/@Id that is why
>>> you get the duplicate. Take a look at my sample again you will see I use
>>> <?define UpgradeCode> to stop this happening.
>>> Neil
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Giora keinan [] 
>>> Sent: 07 December 2009 09:35
>>> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] multiple entries in add remove programs.
>>> Hello
>>> Thanks Sascha, Asker and Neil.
>>> I tried your ideas and still have no idea what is the problem
>>> I am using only 3 digits version (trying to upgrade 1.0.7 to 1.0.8)
>>> following in my upgrade code, maybe you will found what is the problem:
>>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
>>> <?define Version = "1.0.8" ?>
>>> <Wix xmlns=''>
>>>   <Product Name='CapsCake' Id='*' 
>>> UpgradeCode='2638A59D-5047-4E78-87A6-A665B98FA131'
>>>        Language='1033' Codepage='1252' Version='$(var.Version)' 
>>> Manufacturer='Gakay'>
>>>   <Package Id='*' Keywords='Installer'
>>>       Description="CapCake $(var.Version) Updater"
>>>       Comments='CapsCake is a  trademark of Gakay.' Manufacturer='Gakay'
>>>       InstallerVersion='100' Languages='1033' Compressed='yes' 
>>> SummaryCodepage='1252' />
>>>     <Property Id="INSTALLDIR">
>>>       <RegistrySearch Id='CapsCakeRegistry' Type='raw'
>>>         Root='HKLM' Key='Software\Gakay\CapsCake' Name='InstallDir' />
>>>     </Property>
>>>    <Upgrade Id="474E4E86-1153-4A4D-8ECE-6B1F4D423B24">
>>>       <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="yes"
>>>             Minimum="1.0.0" IncludeMinimum="yes"
>>> Maximum="$(var.Version)"
>>>             IncludeMaximum="no" />
>>>       <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="yes" Property="NEWERVERSIONDETECTED"
>>>             Minimum="$(var.Version)" IncludeMinimum="no" />
>>>    </Upgrade>
>>>     <CustomAction Id="AlreadyUpdated" Error="[ProductName]  is 
>>> already    installed." />
>>>     <CustomAction Id="NoDowngrade" Error="A later  version of    
>>> [ProductName] is already installed." />
>>>     <Media Id='1' Cabinet='' EmbedCab='yes' />
>>> <!-->   <Property Id='DiskPrompt' Value="CapCake $(var.Version) Updater 
>>> [1]" /> <-->
>>>     <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
>>>       <Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>
>>>           <Directory Id='INSTALLDIR' Name='.'>
>>>             <Component Id='MainExecutable' Guid='*'>
>>>               <File Id='CpasCakeEXE' Name='CapsCake.exe' DiskId='1' 
>>> Source='CapsCake.exe' KeyPath='yes'>
>>>               </File>
>>>             </Component>
>>>         </Directory>
>>>       </Directory>
>>>     <Component Id='CapsAppVersion' Guid='*'>
>>>         <RegistryValue Id='CapsAppVersionKey' Root='HKLM' 
>>> Key='Software\Gakay\CapsCake' Name='AppVersion' Type='string' 
>>> Value='$(var.Version)' Action='write' />
>>>      </Component>
>>>     </Directory> <!--> of the first dir <-->
>>>    <Feature Id='Complete'  Title='CapsCake' Description='The complete 
>>> package.'  Display='hidden' Level='1'
>>> ConfigurableDirectory='INSTALLDIR'>
>>>       <ComponentRef Id='MainExecutable' />
>>>       <ComponentRef Id='CapsAppVersion' />
>>>     </Feature>
>>>     <InstallExecuteSequence>
>>>  <!-->     <Custom Action='AlreadyUpdated' 
>>> After='FindRelatedProducts'>OLDERVERSIONBEINGUPGRADED</Custom> <-->
>>>       <Custom Action='NoDowngrade' 
>>> After='FindRelatedProducts'>NEWERVERSIONDETECTED</Custom>
>>>     </InstallExecuteSequence>
>>>   </Product>
>>> </Wix>
>>> Thanks
>>> Giora
>>> Sascha Beaumont wrote:
>>>> Using Package/@Id="*" I'm using the following code - this prevents two
>>>> versions being installed where only the 4th version number differs.
>>>> This is primarily to prevent confusion with internal testing, and
>>>> means that we bump the third version following each public release in
>>>> order to permit upgrades. We only release major upgrades, so I've got
>>>> no idea how the code below would perform in a minor upgrade/patch
>>>> scenario.
>>>>   <Upgrade Id="$(var.Property_UpgradeCode)">
>>>>     <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="yes"
>>>>                     Minimum="$(var.version)"
>>>>                     Property="NEWERVERSIONDETECTED"
>>>>                     IncludeMinimum="no" />
>>>>     <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="no"
>>>>                     Maximum="$(var.version)"
>>>>                     Property="OLDERVERSIONBEINGUPGRADED"
>>>>                     IncludeMaximum="no" />
>>>>     <!-- Detect for changes in 4th field only -->
>>>>     <UpgradeVersion Property="ANOTHERBUILDINSTALLED"
>>>>              Maximum="$(var.version)" Minimum="$(var.version)"
>>>>              IncludeMinimum="yes" IncludeMaximum="yes"
>>> OnlyDetect="yes" />
>>>>   </Upgrade>
>>>>  <CustomAction Id="CA_BlockOlderVersionInstall"
>>>> Error="!(loc.LaunchCondition_LaterVersion)" />
>>>>   <CustomAction Id="CA_BlockAnotherBuildInstall"
>>>> Error="!(loc.LaunchCondition_AnotherBuild)" />
>>>> <InstallExecuteSequence>
>>>>     <Custom Action="CA_BlockOlderVersionInstall"
>>> After="FindRelatedProducts">
>>>>     </Custom>
>>>>     <!-- Prevent installation on 4th version field change only -->
>>>>     <Custom Action="CA_BlockAnotherBuildInstall"
>>> After="FindRelatedProducts">
>>>>     </Custom>
>>>> </InstallExecuteSequence>
>>>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Asker Brodersen
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Giora, do your versions differ by more than the fourth digit?
>>>>> I have found that if you install and then they will
>>> both be listed as installed.
>>>>> Incrementing the third digit (ie to the older
>>> version will be replaced.
>>>>> To enable replacement also by fourth digit version increments, this
>>> is how my Upgrade section looks like (Id for both Product and Package
>>> are '*', and my current build version is '$(var.BuildVersion)'):
>>>>> <Upgrade Id='YOUR-OWN-GUID-HERE'>
>>>>>  <!-- Define the range of old versions that should be upgraded by the
>>> new .msi -->
>>>>>  <!-- IncludeMaximum='yes' gives ICE61 warning as it forces upgrade
>>> of same version installs,
>>>>>  but is neccesary to upgrade versions that differ by only the fourth
>>> digit ie to
>>>>>  Normally only to differences are treated as a new
>>> version-->
>>>>>  <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect='no'
>>>>>    Maximum='$(var.BuildVersion)'
>>>>>    IncludeMaximum='yes' />
>>>>>  <!-- Detect out-of-order installations -->
>>>>>  <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect='yes'
>>>>>    Minimum='$(var.BuildVersion)'
>>>>>    IncludeMinimum='no' />
>>>>> </Upgrade>
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Asker
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Neil Sleightholm []
>>>>> Sent: den 6 december 2009 18:46
>>>>> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>>>>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] multiple entries in add remove programs.
>>>>> 1. Package/@Id is optional but "*" is ok.
>>>>> 2. Order doesn't matter
>>>>> 3. Not sure I understand
>>>>> Is your UpgradeCode/@Id fixed for both installations? Do you have
>>>>> RemoveExistingProducts scheduled somewhere? Do you have an <Upgrade>
>>>>> section?
>>>>> You shouldn't need to update using that command line, it should just
>>>>> work when you run it.
>>>>> I hope that helps.
>>>>> Neil
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Giora keinan []
>>>>> Sent: 06 December 2009 15:29
>>>>> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>>>>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] multiple entries in add remove programs.
>>>>> Neil Hello
>>>>> Thanks for the fast answer.
>>>>> I looked at code  in the URL you sent me. It looks for me that my
>>> code
>>>>> is similar.
>>>>> The differences I found where:
>>>>> 1. My code has <Package Id='*' Keywords='Installer'
>>>>>    which is not in the code you sent me.
>>>>> 2. In my code the order of  <Product Name='CapsCake' Id='*' is
>>> reversed
>>>>> to the one in your         code "<Product Id="*" Name=xxxx
>>>>> 3. I have code for founding the original installation directory.
>>>>> What I failed to find is what make the installer to add one more
>>> entry
>>>>> to the add / remove programs.
>>>>> As the upgrade command I am using:
>>>>> msiexec /i "CapsCakeUpgrade.msi" REINSTALLMODE=omu
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Giora
>>>>> Neil Sleightholm wrote:
>>>>>> It sounds like you haven't got the upgrade code correct, there is a
>>>>>> sample here
>>>>>> s.html that might help.
>>>>>> Neil
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Giora Keinan []
>>>>>> Sent: 06 December 2009 12:54
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: [WiX-users] multiple entries in add remove programs.
>>>>>> hello
>>>>>> Each time I am running a new upgrade, the installer add one more
>>> entry
>>>>>> in the add remove program.
>>>>>> How can I made an upgrade without adding it to the add remove
>>> program
>>>>>> (leaving only one add remove in place).
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Giora
>>>>> --
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Giora Keinan
>>>>> CapsCake - The natural language launcher.
>>>>> Because free text is easy.
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------
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Giora Keinan
CapsCake - The natural language launcher.
Because free text is easy.

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