I'm trying to add a control to a custom dialog in my WIX UI to collect
various UNC paths the user wishes our software to monitor.  Based on the
documentation it looked like a standard control of type="Edit" and
multiline="yes" would work.  


<Control Id="UNCSharesEdit" Type="Edit" Multiline="yes" X="105" Y="168"
Width="220" Height="54" Property="UNCSHARES" />


However, when I implemented this dialog I discovered that the control
was not behaving as I would expect.  When I typed random characters in
the field and hit 'Enter' nothing happened.  I tried 'Shift-Enter' (I've
seen chat programs and the like use this when 'Enter' is used for
something else)to get a new line and still nothing happened.  It wasn't
until after much frustration and research I happened on a whim to try
'Ctrl-Enter' that it finally worked.  


Is this really how the multiline functionality is expected to behave?  

If so, is this a limitation in WIX or in the underlying Windows


The way it is we don't feel that customers would know how to use the UI
unless we spelled it out for them in help text, and we obviously are not
anxious to do that either.  I'd appreciate any feedback anyone might
have.  Thank you!



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