On 3/11/2010 6:02 PM, Paul Baker wrote:
> We give the user a choice of install location for our 64-bit
> components, which defaults to "Program Files\Product Name". Should we
> create a parallel "Program Files (x86)\Product Name" folder for the
> 32-bit components? If so, what should happen if the user decides to
> install the 64-bit components to a different location?

Personally, I'd vote for "nothing." Unless a product is bigger than, 
say, 100MB, even folks like me who partition their drives tightly to 
keep small C: drives won't much care. (Remember that MSI keeps a copy of 
your .msi and Windows 7, it's the whole .msi.)

> One alternative that I have seen several times is to install the
> 32-bit components into "Program Files (x86)\Common Files". Are there
> any drawbacks to going against the stated purpose of CommonFilesFolder
> ("for components that are shared across applications") in this way?

Not that I know of. The most important thing is to keep files in the 
right directory tree according to bitness.


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