SelfReg is bad. Use heat.exe to capture the registration in .wxs form.

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Elfe Xu <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying a CA
> <CustomAction Id="RegT"  ExeCommand="blablabla\RegAsm.exe T.dll"
> Execute="immediate" />
> and found it can only success if I make the CA run after InstallFinalized.
> Otherwise, it will fail.
> I think the right way is to use Class element, but I just cannot make the
> result the same as I execute regasm.exe.
> Here is my trying:
>          <Component Id ="TestComponent"
> Guid="D75C79A1-83C9-467D-89FB-4B7E081401CE" Win64="$(var.USEWIN64)" >
>            <File  Id="TestCOM" Assembly=".net" Name="Test.dll" DiskId="1"
> Source="..\..\TestCOM.dll" KeyPath="yes">
>              <Class Id="CE13T9EC-3BE1-4292-89C4-243ERF42967B"
>                     Description="test com"
>                     ThreadingModel="both"
>                     Context="InprocServer32"
>                <ProgId Id="MyTestCOM" />
>              </Class>
>            </File>
>          </Component>
> I just cannot find way to set lots of other stuffs, like
> Implemented Categories with value {62C8FE65-4EBB-45e7-B440-6E39B2CDBF29}
> The Assembly, Class, RuntimeVersion under InprocServer32.
> I want to set the ForeignServer with mscoree.dll, but wix says it cannot be
> used under <File>.
> I guess I might doing totally wrong. Anyone can give me a sample of how to
> do the register?
> Another question is: when I want to add the .net assembly into wix project
> reference, why I get the error of "Test.dll could not be added. Please make
> sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid WiX reference."
> Because of this failure, I can only add the file by the relevant path. Not
> sure if it is a cause of the register failure.
> Thanks,
> -Elfe
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