Hahaha nevermind... I see that I totally got it backwards... I reversed my
OnlyDetects below and it works great... You rock... Sorry!


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Jeremy Rimer <jeremyri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Blair, as always, thanks for your replies! Unfortunately, this time I came
> up empty :(.
> I did the following but still ended up with a duplicate of my applications
> installed in Add/Remove Programs after the Installer finished:
>    - I modified my upgrade element as follows:
> =========================
> <Upgrade Id="0b872586-4c12-4848-b1dd-680009759b5f">
>       <UpgradeVersion
>         OnlyDetect="yes"
>               Minimum=""
>         IncludeMinimum="yes"
>               Maximum="$(var.ProductVersion)"
>         IncludeMaximum="no" />
>       <UpgradeVersion
>         OnlyDetect="no"
>         Property="SELFFOUND"
>               Minimum="$(var.ProductVersion)"
>         IncludeMinimum="yes"
>         Maximum="$(var.ProductVersion)"
>         IncludeMaximum="yes" />
>       <UpgradeVersion
>         OnlyDetect="no"
>         Property="NEWERFOUND"
>               Minimum="$(var.ProductVersion)"
>         IncludeMinimum="no" />
>     </Upgrade>
> =========================
>    - I generated a new GUID for my PRODUCT Id.
>    - I incremented my ProductVersion from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0
>    - I uninstalled all versions via Add/Remove Programs
>    - I installed the 2.9.0 package
>    - I installed the 2.10.0 package.
>    - I checked out Add/Remove Programs, and saw both versions installed
> I made the PREVIOUSVERSIONINSTALLED element my OnlyDetect="no" as it is the
> one that should be uninstalled when encountered. I guess so should the same
> version, but if that happens, you should get the remove/repair dialog
> instead, right?
> Anything else I could have missed?
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Blair <os...@live.com> wrote:
>> In the UpgradeVersion element, OnlyDetect does exactly what it suggests:
>> it
>> only detects all matching products (setting the indicated property with
>> the
>> list of found ProductCodes), suppressing passing those ProductCodes to
>> RemoveExistingProducts. Set OnlyDetect to "no" for those properties that
>> contain the packages you intend to remove. Or remove it entirely for those
>> same properties, since it defaults to "no".
>> Leave OnlyDetect set to "yes" for those properties that you won't be
>> removing (such as newer versions you use to block installation, etc.)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jeremy Rimer [mailto:jeremyri...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 12:36 PM
>> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>> Subject: [WiX-users] WIX Upgrade configuration
>> I've solved my App.Config issues with help from Blair (Thanks, buddy!!!),
>> but now I'm running into upgrade path problems...
>> To set the stage, I have a WIX installer that successfully deploys an
>> application to it's installation directory, and takes some input from the
>> user that calls a CA to overwrite some elements of the App.Config file
>> that
>> were deployed, or were present before deployment (NeverOverwrite="yes" on
>> the App.Config file)...
>> On clean install, the files deploy perfectly, and the app.config overwrite
>> works great. Running the installer AGAIN, I get the Repair/Remove dialogs,
>> which indicates the installer is self-aware.
>> My problem is when I rebuild a new installer with a new product version,
>> and
>> a new Product GUID Id. . .
>> It runs through the new installation path, and completes, but I end up
>> with
>> a duplicate program installed. It shows up in Add/Remove programs twice,
>> instead of "RemovingExistingProducts" silently before the upgrade
>> installation first :(.
>> My upgrade definition is as follows:
>> =============================
>> <Upgrade Id='0b872586-4c12-4848-b1dd-680009759b5f'>
>>      <UpgradeVersion
>>        OnlyDetect='yes'
>>              Minimum=''
>>        IncludeMinimum='yes'
>>              Maximum='$(var.ProductVersion)'
>>        IncludeMaximum='no' />
>>      <UpgradeVersion
>>        OnlyDetect='yes'
>>        Property='SELFFOUND'
>>              Minimum='$(var.ProductVersion)'
>>        IncludeMinimum='yes'
>>        Maximum='$(var.ProductVersion)'
>>        IncludeMaximum='yes' />
>>      <UpgradeVersion
>>        OnlyDetect='yes'
>>        Property='NEWERFOUND'
>>              Minimum='$(var.ProductVersion)'
>>        IncludeMinimum='no' />
>>    </Upgrade>
>> ==============================
>> In the InstallExecuteSequence, I've put the following:
>> ==============================
>> <RemoveExistingProducts
>> After="InstallInitialize">PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED</RemoveExistingProducts>
>> ==============================
>> ...And before I attempt the upgrade, I rebuild the installer with a new ID
>> GUID for the Product definition, and a new $(var.ProductVersion) that is
>> greater than the original installations'...
>> Running it then, the installer seems to execute what seems like the "fresh
>> install" path, and results in a dupilcate entry in the Add/Remove Programs
>> dialog in windows if the installation is then completed. :\
>> Anything I'm missing that you can tell?
>> Thanks as always!
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