Hi all,

I've been struggling for two days trying to achieve something that I 
believe simple (obvioulsy not for me...)

Here's some part of my code:
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>
<Directory Id="MyCompany" Name="Company">
<Directory Id="A_DIRECTORY_ID" Name="myProduct">
                 ... install some stuff here ...
  ... close all directories

On an initial installation, the UI allows me to set the 'A_DIRECTORY_ID' 
property to ... lets say E:\Program Files\Company\myProduct
On majors upgrades, the installer reads the registry (on the AppSearch 
sequence) to retrieve a given key (that I have set on the initial 
installation) and sets 'A_DIRECTORY_ID' with this value. So the upgrade 
installed to new version at the same place the old version was installed.
Everything worked well ... untill I had to add some files in another 
directory under 'Company'

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>
<Directory Id="MyCompany" Name="Company">
<Directory Id="ANOTHER_DIR_ID" Name="myProduct2">
                 .... install some file here ...
<Directory Id="A_DIRECTORY_ID" Name="myProduct">
                 ... install some stuff here ...
  ... close all directories

The problem, here, is that since the initial installation or an upgrade 
only setups the 'A_DIRECTORY_ID' property, 'myProduct2' will 
systematically be created under C:\Program Files\Company instead of 
E:\Program Files\Company (this is of course an example)

I've tried writing a Custom Action to set the 'ANOTHER_DIR_ID' by using 
the 'A_DIRECTORY_ID' property. I used to MsiSetProperty function. But, 
although the customaction is triggered, the log nevers tells me that the 
'ANOTHER_DIR_ID' is changed by this.

Any idea?
Here are some snippets from my wix code:
-- the way I retrieve the 'A_DIRECTORY_ID' property on an upgrade --
<Property Id="A_DIRECTORY_ID">
<RegistrySearch Id="A_DIRECTORY_ID" Type="directory" Root="HKLM" 
Key="Software\Company\MyKey" Name="RootDir" />
<AppSearch Before="RemoveExistingProducts" />
<RemoveExistingProducts After="FindRelatedProducts" />

-- the way I triggered my custom action --
<CustomAction Id='SetApacheDirProperty' Property='SetApacheDir' 
<CustomAction Id='SetApacheDir' BinaryKey='apmwsinst.dll' 
DllEntry='apm_get_webservice_parent_directory' Execute='deferred' 
Return='ignore' />
<Custom Action='SetApacheDirProperty' After='InstallInitialize' />
<Custom Action='SetApacheDir' After='SetApacheDirProperty' />

The apm_get_webservice_parent_directory custom action reads the 
'A_DIRECTORY_ID' property and builds the 'ANOTHER_DIR_ID' property (and 
then calls MsiSetProperty)

Please Help ....


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