This isn't what you want but might help you make a start:

            <util:XmlConfig Id='create.DbInstance' Action='create'
ElementPath='/Settings' VerifyPath='/Settings/DbInstance'
File='[#settings.xml]' Name='DbInstance' Node='element' On='install'
Sequence='1' />
            <util:XmlConfig Id='set.DbInstance' Action='create'
ElementPath='/Settings/DbInstance' File='[#settings.xml]' Node='value'
Value='[DBINSTANCE]' On='install' Sequence='2' />

Basically this will append a <DbInstance> node to the <Settings> node
but only if one doesn't already exist
Then it sets the value of the node (either the pre-existing one, or the
newly created one) to [DBINSTANCE].

Might help you see how VerifyPath works... I had to experiment a bit to
figure out the exact behavior I wanted from XmlConfig... presumably
you'll do something like VerifyPath='/path/to/no...@myattribute=""]' or
such like...

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Siebert [] 
Sent: 16 December 2010 01:33
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Selectively updating app.config

Hi all,

I need to selectively update an app.config file from my setup package.
 Specifically, I need to set a single attribute if it doesn't exist or
has an empty string value.  If it already has some other value then I
need to leave it unchanged.

What's the preferred way to do this?

I've authored a CA that does this but changes are being redirected to
the VirtualStore.  I've just seen that I can set
to get around this, but I haven't tested it yet.

I see there is util:XmlConfig and using this it successfully sets the
value, but I can't see how to detect if the attribute is already present
and skip it.  I'm wondering if the VerifyPath attribute would help but I
can't find any decent examples or explanation of how to use it.

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