Hey all,
  I'm trying to get a help collection to register using Wix 3.5 (the final 
build). The setup runs successfully but nothing shows up in the help.

I get the following warning in the log file:

DDSet_Warning: RegisterHelpFile()->IHxRegister::RegisterHelpFileSet() ERROR: 
C:\Program Files\SetupProject1\ClassLibrary1.HxS was *NOT* registered to 
namespace Acme.ClassLib.1, HRESULT=80004005.

I'm not sure what to look at. My Component is very simple. (The 
PlugCollectionInto element was copied from a sample.)

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id="CommonFilesFolder" Name="Common"/>
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
  <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="SetupProject1">
    <Component Id="HelpFiles" Guid="PUT-GUID-HERE" KeyPath="yes">
      <File Id="ClassLibHXS" Source="..\Help\ClassLibrary1.HxS">
        <vs:HelpFile Id="HelpFile" Language="1033" Name="ClassLib 1.0"/>
      <File Id="colFile.ClassLib" Source="..\Help\ClassLibrary1.HxC">
        <vs:HelpCollection Id="HelpCollection"
                           Description="The Class Lib"
        <vs:HelpFileRef Id="HelpFile"/>
        <vs:PlugCollectionInto TargetCollection="MS.VSIPCC.v90"
      <File Id="colFile.hxt"      Source="..\Help\ClassLibrary1.HxT" />
      <File Id="colFile_A.hxk"    Source="..\Help\ClassLibrary1_A.HxK" />
      <File Id="colFile_B.hxk"    Source="..\Help\ClassLibrary1_B.HxK" />
      <File Id="colFile_F.hxk"    Source="..\Help\ClassLibrary1_F.HxK" />
      <File Id="colFile_K.hxk"    Source="..\Help\ClassLibrary1_K.HxK" />
      <File Id="colFile_S.hxk"    Source="..\Help\ClassLibrary1_S.HxK" />
      <File Id="colFile_url.hxk"  
Source="..\Help\ClassLibrary1_NamedURLIndex.HxK" />

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