Thanks got it :)

Are there any additional hidden gems (undocumented tasks)to do the
additional two task to embed the mst files into a single msi?
Currently I'm using WiSubStg.vbs and WiLangID.vbs

-----Original Message-----
From: Tobias S [] 
Sent: 18 March 2011 10:32
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multilanguage install

you must build all languages of the MSI pacakge from one project.
Think there is no additional modification necessary as the AfterBuild target
starts when there already exist the different MSIs (e.g.
en-US\MySetupProject.msi, de-DE\MySetupProject.msi and

BTW: be sure not using a autogenerated ProductCode ("*") to not transform
this by the transforms as well!

2011/3/18 Michael Tissington <>:
> Thanks for the detailed info ..
> I'm trying to implement this. This seems to require that the en-US is 
> built first.
> How do I make this happen?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tobias S []
> Sent: 18 March 2011 10:08
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multilanguage install
> You must add a torch task to the AfterBuild target in the wixproj file.
> Following a description assuming you are using VS2010 English, your 
> solution is called MySetupProject and you want to create for an 
> english MSI the needed MSTs:
> Solution Explorer -> Choose the Setup Project -> Right click -> Unload 
> Project -> Right click -> Edit MySetupProject.wixproj
> Uncomment
>        <Target Name="AfterBuild">
>        </Target>
> and modify it to e.g.
>  <Target Name="AfterBuild">
>    <Torch
>        Condition="%(CultureGroup.Identity) != 'en-US'"
>        ToolPath="$(WixToolPath)"
>        BaselineFile="$(TargetDir)en-US\$(TargetFileName)"
> UpdateFile="$(TargetDir)%(CultureGroup.OutputFolder)$(TargetFileName)"
>        OutputFile="$(TargetDir)en-US\%(CultureGroup.Identity).mst"
>        AdditionalOptions="-t Language" />
>  </Target>
> Reload project and build ...
> This "undocumented" torch task is used here to build the transform(s) 
> (no matter how much Cultures you have set) except for the "base"
> language en-US.
> @Chris: For your wish Checkbox: Commenting and uncommenting is 
> necessary here. Thanks for your hint regarding WMIC. Use now the 
> functionality of ProcessExplorer to show the passed MSI parameters :-)
> 2011/3/18 Michael Tissington <>:
>> This looks great - where do I put this?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tobias S []
>> Sent: 18 March 2011 09:07
>> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multilanguage install
>>  <Target Name="AfterBuild">
>>    <Torch
>>      Condition="%(CultureGroup.Identity) != '$(DefaultLanguage)'"
>>      ToolPath="$(WixToolPath)"
>>      BaselineFile="$(TargetDir)$(DefaultLanguage)\$(TargetFileName)"
>  UpdateFile="$(TargetDir)%(CultureGroup.OutputFolder)$(TargetFileName)"
>> OutputFile="$(TargetDir)$(DefaultLanguage)\%(CultureGroup.Identity)$(
>> T
>> ransfo
>> rmExt)"
>>      AdditionalOptions="-t Language" />
>>  </Target>
>> for the WiX Proj ? This generates transforms in the "DefaultLanguage"
>> output folder.
>> 2011/3/17 Christopher Painter <>:
>>> Oh I already know how it works and can get it to work. :-)   I was 
>>> just wondering if there was a better way to generate the transforms 
>>> then post build events that call torch.   Votive has some nice 
>>> msbuild support for encapsulating
>>> the underlying calls to the wix tools  I just wish it has a little 
>>> checkbox next
>>> to cultures to build ( generate language transforms ).
>>> BTW, you don't need a "man in the middle" to sniff out the command 
>>> line,  you can use wmic ( windows management instrumentation console
>>> )
>> to do that.
>>> ---
>>> Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog Have a 
>>> hot tip, know a secret or read a really good thread that deserves 
>>> attention? E-Mail Me
>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From: Tobias S <>
>>> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
>>> <>
>>> Sent: Thu, March 17, 2011 4:52:53 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multilanguage install
>>> @Chris: Am I understanding you right ? You want to apply a transform 
>>> for the "base" language, e.g. english MSI + english MST + spanish 
>>> MST ? For InstallShield as they build by default a transform for the 
>>> default language ? If yes did you check with a "man in the middle 
>>> tool" (custom msiexec.exe in directory of setup.exe which shows its 
>>> calling command line) what the installshield setup.exe calls in case 
>>> of the default Language ? (esp. if they already apply a transform or 
>>> not ?) Not sure right now whether this works or not but I can check 
>>> if Andreas Kerl wrote something in his book about this and the 
>>> abilities of torch here.
>>> As a sample if you want e.g. 8 transforms you only need 2 MSIs in 
>>> different languages and then can create an XML diff and modify this 
>>> for the other 6 languages and from these generate the transforms 
>>> again. This might reduce build time as not building the MSIs just 
>>> for transform generation is needed.
>>> 2011/3/17 Tobias S <>:
>>>> Francisco,
>>>> When you get it working with the transform msiexec /i installer.msi 
>>>> TRANSFORMS=":1034". (I'm wondering about the ":1034" - should be e.g.
>>>> 1034.mst???) this means it is working with your produced spanish 
>>>> transform applied to the english one. So when going back to 
>>>> InstallSite your problems can result in problems in step 3. or 4. .
>>>> In general and why I don't like this approach very much: you must 
>>>> rely on the way here this undocumented feature retrieves the 
>>>> current OS language. If something goes wrong here it is difficult 
>>>> to track down the real issue. So did you try the package on several 
>>>> spanish systems ?
>>>> Btw: Spanish if I remember right this is the OS where the LCID is
>>>>1034  and additionally other LCIDs exist. Maybe that causes problems 
>>>>in  detecting a spanish OS with these embedded transforms. Read 
>>>>o f 
>>>> So maybe use some other language first to track down the problem 
>>>>and set the OS language as described in InstallSite.
>>>> I'd recommend you to use e.g. German and 1031 for your testing.
>>>> Please do exactly following:
>>>> 1. Build the MSI + transform
>>>> 2. test it with msiexec /i setup.msi TRANSFORMS=1031.mst
>>>> If working
>>>> 3. embed the transform with
>>>> wisubstg.vbs Setup.msi 1031.mst 1031
>>>> 4. ORCA: View -> Summary Information... -> there change Languages 
>>>> to "1033,1031" (without quotes and without empty spaces between the
>>>> numbers) and save the
>>>> package afterwards)
>>>> Change the computer language of the system to German (Gerrmany) as 
>>>> described on InstallSite. If still not working: Interesting is the 
>>>> output of step 3. Please post it here. Be aware that you work 
>>>> exactly on the generated packages and no dirty ones where possibly 
>>>> something went wrong...
>>>> Regarding Arabic: Think of only localize text and not "RTL" the UIs.
>>>> One of our arabic speaking guys told me that these people are used 
>>>> of not well RTL modified UIs. If you still want to do so: Get an 
>>>> installShield demo (they offer well RTL layout, think only the 
>>>> graphic on the start dlg and finish dialog is turned) and modify 
>>>> the WiX dialogs in WiX sources folder src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib 
>>>> (approx
>>>> 25 -
>>>> 30 dialogs and User Interface "sequences"). Think it should be 
>>>> possible here as well to embed a transform for the modifications 
>>>> even here this transform then contains a completely modified UI. 
>>>> But as never done also expect some issues when transforming with a 
>>>> torch generated transform for arabic (not sure whether -t Language 
>>>> is enough).
>>>> As already stated think of using a bootstrapper for the language 
>>>> transform application (e.g. dotnetinstaller) instead of the 
>>>> embedded approach.
>>>> regards
>>>> Tobias
>>>> 2011/3/17 Francisco Gabriel Malbrán <>:
>>>>> Thanks Michael. I've tried your solution as well but still no results.
>>>>> Can any body please attach an empty/demo version of your 
>>>>> multilanguage msi to test it out in my computer? This way I would 
>>>>> be able to detect if the problem is in the procedure or in the
> environment.
>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>> Francisco
>>>>> 2011/3/17 Michael Tissington <>
>>>>>> out
>>>>>> "$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)1040.mst"
>>>>> --
>>>>> Francisco Gabriel Malbrán
>>>>> Licenciado en Ciencias de la Computación Online CV:
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