Try Impersonate="no". With that attribute set to yes, that CA tries to
impersonate the user who ran the msi, because the deferred CA is already
running as admin.

On Apr 7, 2011 6:13 AM, "Stelios Kyprou" <>

Hello everyone,

I am trying to deploy a SharePoint WebPart from my installer, and the way I
found to do that in WiX is to create a deferred custom action,
1) Will fire up "cmd.exe"
2) Run a .bat file which:
       i) Run "stsadm.exe" (located under "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\BIN")
       ii) Execute some commands (i.e. "stsadm.exe -o displaysolution -name

My deferred custom action definition looks like this:
<CustomAction Id="InstallWsp2010" Property="CMD" Execute="deferred"
Impersonate="yes" Return="check"
             ExeCommand="/c &quot;&quot;[#WebPartInstall]&quot;
 &quot;[STSADM2010]&quot;  &quot;$(var.WebPartName)&quot;
 &quot;[#Package]&quot;&quot;" />

As you can see, I have the custom action to run as the user that fires up
the installer, not as LocalSystem, but I get an "Access Denied" message.
I get the SAME result when I try to run that command DIRECTLY from
"cmd.exe", and the way to actually make it work, is to run cmd.exe "As

I still haven't found a way to do this with WiX, so my commands to not
succeed when run through the installers.
Any ideas on how I can make cmd.exe to run as administrator from wix?
Or if I can't is there another way to do this? Or do I have to write a C#
custom action in order to achieve what I'm trying to do?

Kind regards,

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