Hi Rob,

Please correct me if I'm wrong. Elevation is done by the "chained"
installers itself and not Burn ? If so, and I run several MSI + Exe
packages thereafter each wants elevation. Then I'd highly vote at
least for an ability to embed an admin manifest without need of

I mean I fully understand the concept of elevating just when needed
but from my point of view I need such a Bootstrapper elevation to run
all subsequent installers without additional UAC dialogs if needed.


2011/7/21 Rob Mensching <r...@robmensching.com>:
> 1. That is not the recommended way to deal with UAC from Windows. You're
> supposed to display UI and only elevate when the user does an action that
> requires it. This is how the Windows Installer behaves. You're also more
> likely to ensure that the elevation prompt appears on top of everything
> instead of stuck flashing in the task bar. Basically, much better user
> experience all the way around (funny, how following Windows guidelines helps
> <smile/>).
> Legacy setup programs are auto-elevated because the assumption was that they
> were written before UAC and thus will fail outright without elevation.
> RegEdit and MMC are my favorite example of annoying applications that don't
> let me just do read-only operations (which I do a lot more) then elevate for
> write operations.
> Anyway, if you want the "elevate right away" behavior, your BA can call
> "IBootstrapperApplicationEngine->Elevate()" right away. If you have a splash
> screen then you'll still have a better chance showing up on without being
> stuck blinking in the task bar.
> 2. If you keep all of your machine configuration in your MSI (the goal), you
> won't have a problem. When per-machine MSIs are executed they are executed
> with elevated privileges.Your BA doesn't need to do anything. Where things
> are currently hoarked is when you need to populate UI with data from IIS7.
> 3. Not in my experience. IIS7 was the first thing ever. We had to completely
> redesign the IIS7 custom action to read their data files elevated and still
> handle rollback. It was painful. II6 you could correctly read the metabase
> unelevated and all was good.
> It does not seem like a good idea to throw away the best practices simply
> because one component (IIS7) did the wrong thing. IMHO, a better path would
> be to get the best expeirence globally and find a good way to tackle the
> IIS7 problem.
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Roy Chastain <r...@roychastain.org> wrote:
>> > The goal is very much that a Bootstrapper Application is never
>> elevated.
>> Rob,
>> I would very much like for you to rethink that goal.
>> Granted BAs should not write to the system, but there are some
>> compelling reasons for allowing the BA to run elevated.
>> 1) - Allows a user without elevation privileges to bother someone with
>> them one time and one time only at the very beginning of the process
>> 2) - IIS as you said is a mess.  I have a Custom Action in my MSI that
>> needs to read IIS configuration to present info to the user.  Therefore
>> my .MSI must run elevated during the UI phase.  Since the user will
>> never get it right to run the .MSI elevated, the answer became imbed the
>> .MSI in a BA that forced the elevation via a manifest.  Do not ship the
>> .MSI separately because again the user will try to run it instead of the
>> .exe
>> 3) - I am sure that more than just IIS is going to be causing problems
>> with .MSIs and/or BAs needing to run elevated.
>> Please consider this as you respond to the feature suggestion about
>> elevating the BA.  I believe that a simple switch to create the BA with
>> an elevated vs. as invoker manifest is a reasonable answer.  Currently
>> we can do this by a custom build event step to add our own manifest to
>> the BA after it is built, but that just become more complicated and is
>> subject to failure if you add/change things in Burn's manifest.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Roy Chastain
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> virtually, Rob Mensching - http://RobMensching.com LLC
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