I've done some research in using system wide environment variables (not wix 
installer session variable) and the exit dialog.  I've been able to setup an 
environment variable and then run the installer and echo the value of the 
variable in the Exit Dialog screen.

I take it one step further and one of last custom actions in my installer 
installs/upgrades a database and then sets an System wide environment variable 
(not a wix session variable) as an attempt to pass this information back to the 
Exit Dialog.  The custom action (vb.net) uses the 

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("HTSDATABASECONVERSIONERROR", status & " " & 
DateTime.Now.ToString, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine)

Once the installer is complete, and I get the exit dialog, I don't see the 
value echoed in the dialog however, when I type "set" at the command prompt I 
can see the environment variable with its value.  I'm thinking the installer 
takes a snapshot of the environment variables  needs to "refresh" its view of 
the Environment variables but I don't know if this is true or not. 

To be clear on what I'm trying to accomplish, after I run the install, I want 
to be able to see the value of the HTSDATABASECONVERSIONERROR system 
environment variable (as set by the custom action) in the Wix Exit dialog.

Thanks !


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