I'll try this, thank you for your suggestion. Just to understand your 
example shouldn't the InstallExecute Sequence be this way:

   <Custom Action='**CA_BlockPropertyNotSet**' After="FindRelatedProducts">NOT

instead of this:

   <Custom Action='BlockPropertyNotSet' After="FindRelatedProducts">NOT

But I wonder is this request of mine so unusual or why is this not documented 
in any way (neither the wix chm nor the book of Nick Ramirez nor any google 
search I could think of)?

Am I doing something wrong?



On 07.11.2011 22:05, Hoover, Jacob wrote:
> One would think a simple condition within the InstallExecute table could
> then trigger a custom action.
> Ex:
> <CustomAction Id="CA_BlockPropertyNotSet"
> Error="!(loc.LaunchCondition_PropertyNotSet)" />
> <InstallExecute>
>    <Custom Action='BlockPropertyNotSet' After="FindRelatedProducts">NOT
> </InstallExecute>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Brunhuber [mailto:w...@rbrunhuber.de]
> Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 1:44 PM
> To:wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [WiX-users] Ensure that a property is set in setup with UI
> orunattended setup.
> Hi,
> I have a Wix project, that should create a installer that can be
> installed either with UI or without UI. So I want to make sure that a
> property gets set either from the command line or the UI otherwise the
> installer should abort with a message like "Property PROPRERTYNAME must
> be set", similar to a launch condition. I searched the web up and down
> also my searches in the Wix help did not yield anything.
> I tried to use LaunchCondition but that aborted even before the UI was
> loaded.
> Is this possible? If yes, what is the recommended way to do this?
> I'm using Wix 3.5.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Robert

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