I have a customer who has asked that I create a UK English localization for 
an existing installer.  I have a very high level / broad question that I'm 
hoping can be answered by somebody from the other side of the pond.

First, let me apologize in advance if I misuse or otherwise unintentional 
insult anyone by making incorrect references to political subdivisions of 
the UK.   Now is the chance to enlighten me. :-)

I guess the first place to start is by asking what are the cultural 
expectations in the UK with respect to localized installers?  I see that 
neither InstallShield or WiX have built-in support for English languages 
other then en-US/1033/0x409.   Is it common practice for products to be 
localized or is it very rare?   Someone on my twitter feed commented that 
Win7 installations in the UK still have a codepage of 1033.  Is that 

The simple question is:  Is it possible and should it be done?

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