To sign the bundle and bundle engine you need to add the following to your 
Add <SignOutput>true</SignOutput> to a PropertyGroup
Implement the targets like this:
    <Target Name="SignBundleEngine">
        <SignFile TimestampUrl="..." CertificateThumbprint="..." 
SigningTarget="@(SignBundleEngine)" />
    <Target Name="SignBundle" >
        <SignFile TimestampUrl="..." CertificateThumbprint="..." 
SigningTarget="@(SignBundle)" />
You need to put these _after_ the <Import Project="$(WixTargetsPath)" />

Alternatively you can use <Exec Command='signtool.exe sign ..."' /> for more 

There is also a <SignContainers> target but I don't know quite what it does.

When buiding MSIs, to sign them you need to implement <Target Name="SignMsi">

If you have external CABs then also implement <Target Name="SignCabs">

The things you need to sign are in an itemgroup with the same name as the 
target (e.g. @(SignMsi))

Note that you can't use the SignFile task for this, as it will only sign exes 
and dlls. You have to use <Exec Command="signtool sign ..." />

Hope that helps,


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