I've got an installer with a couple features, and they can either all be
installed on one machine or on multiple machines. The features write values
to the registry to auto-populate properties on upgrades, however some of
the features use the same properties (database location, for example). What
I ended up doing was writing several registry keys for this same value with
slightly different names (e.g. Database_A, Database_B, Database_C). To pull
these values out of the registry, I  have a bit of code like this:

<Property Id="Database">        <RegistrySearch Id="Database_A" Root="HKLM"
Key="$(var.RegistryKey)" Name="Database_A" Type="raw"
/>      <RegistrySearch Id="Database_B" Root="HKLM"
Key="$(var.RegistryKey)" Name="Database_B" Type="raw"
/>      <RegistrySearch Id="Database_C" Root="HKLM"
Key="$(var.RegistryKey)" Name="Database_C" Type="raw" /></Property>

However, I recently added some code that had to a similar thing (read
a property written by two features), and did it by reading in two
separate properties and then using a custom action to overlay the

<Property Id="Path">

        <RegistrySearch Id="Path" Root="HKLM" Key="$(var.RegistryKey)"
Name="Path" Type="raw" /></Property><Property
Id="Path2">     <RegistrySearch Id="Path2" Root="HKLM"
Key="$(var.RegistryKey)" Name="Path2" Type="raw" /></Property>


        ...     <Custom Action="OverlayPath"


<CustomAction Id="OverlayPath" Property="Path" Value="[Path2]" />

This second approach also works. So my question is, which is the
preferred method? Multiple RegistrySearch elements for one property is
certainly cleaner, but I couldn't find anything clearly defining the
expected behavior.


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