Hi Wix user list!

I've been trying to solve a very small issue with a manually created Wix
proj file and resource files...

My wixproj file (done without Visual Studio but by hand) looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="
http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"; ToolsVersion="4.0">


    <ArtDirectory Condition="$(ArtDirectory) ==

  <Import Project="$(WixTargets)" />

  <!-- blah blah blah, common Wix properties  -->

  <!-- Art file is here -->
    <Content Include="$(ArtDirectory)SetupSplash.bmp">

    <Compile Include="$(SourcePath)setup.wxs" />
    <Compile Include="$(SourcePath)SetupDialogs.wxs" />

Ok, I just removed a few lines that were too verbose... but as you may see
it looks ok...

Now, The problem is with the art... my project structure looks like this:

 * setup (the wixproj is here)
 * art (banners and images are here)

So, in build time the art stuff should be copied to the temporary build
directory for the wix package, I know that I could use a "copy" task but I
want to void it.

I was expecting that using the Content tag the art bmp file would be copied
to the temporary wix build directory, but it is not... I already tried with
OtherFiles tag...

Is there any way to specify resource files like this without doing the Copy
task manually in MSBuild? am I missing something?

I know that I could solve all of this just creating the wixproj in Visual
Studio and linking manually the files, but I really wanted to avoid it (for
learning purposes).

Thanks for any help!

Cristian Prieto
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