Hi there,

I've been looking at the DepdencyExtensions in wix3.6 and was planning to
use that to prevent SQL Server from being uninstalled when I upgrade my
bundle. Just wondering how I can also handle versioning with this extension.

So for example, in version 1 I might use SQL 2008 R2 SP1

<ExePackage SourceFile="include\SQL2008R2_sp1_x86_ENU.exe Cache="yes">
        <dep:Provides Key="SQL2008" Version="10.50.2500.0"/>

On my upgrade to version 2, I want to install SQL 2008 R2 sp2 instead for
fresh installs, but just keep it as SQL 2008 SP1 if I'm doing the upgrade
(cause it's good enough). So I made the changes to

<ExePackage SourceFile="include\SQL2008R2_sp2_x86_ENU.exe Cache="yes">
        <dep:Provides Key="SQL2008" Version="10.50.4000.0"/>

This upgrades works okay in that it doesn't try to install SQL again
because my detectcondition knows that SQL is already installed. It also
registers the dependency so that the package doesn't get uninstalled when
the older bundle gets removed during the upgrade.

The problem is that when you try to uninstall v2, it can't find the setup
file for SQL Server SP2, since it never cached the package. Is there a way
to fix this? So that It knows to use the SP1 package when uninstalling. Or
is there a way to force the sp2 package to be cached even though it doesn't
need to be installed?

Hope this makes sense,

Sunny Li
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