Thanks got it all fixed up. 

Thank you,

Michael Ogilvie 
Application Support Specialist
1900 City Park Drive Ottawa, ON K1J 1A3
Tel: 613-247-1211 ext 242 | Cell: 613-302-9844

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-03-20, at 2:00 PM, "Phil Wilson" <> wrote:

> As the documentation says, if the file path is already in SharedDlls it will
> be incremented there. 
> px
> See msidbComponentAttributesSharedDllRefCount. Your log shows this is
> happening. It's too late for you to do anything in your install. If you know
> it's a problem local only to your system, then remove them if you know the
> Dlls are really not shared with any other apps. 
> Refer again to my previous post - if the files were EVER marked shared and
> installed then they'll get added to the SharedDlls ref count. This sharing
> is intended for sharing between non-MSI installs (which share using
> SharedDlls) and MSI installs (which don't need it).
> ========================================
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:890]: Executing op:
> ProgressTotal(Total=11,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:890]: Executing op:
> RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Sh
> aredDLLs,,BinaryType=0)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:890]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:890]: Executing op:
> RegAddValue(Name=C:\WINDOWS\system32\JPEGDLL32.dll,Value=#-,Attributes=1)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:890]: Executing op:
> RegAddValue(Name=C:\WINDOWS\system32\PimMegaApi.dll,Value=#-,Attributes=1)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:890]: Executing op:
> RegAddValue(Name=C:\WINDOWS\system32\PxLAPI40.dll,Value=#-,Attributes=1)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:906]: Executing op:
> RegAddValue(Name=C:\WINDOWS\system32\PxLAPI41.dll,Value=#-,Attributes=1)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:906]: Executing op:
> RegAddValue(Name=C:\WINDOWS\system32\pxlzlib.dll,Value=#-,Attributes=1)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:906]: Executing op:
> RegAddValue(Name=C:\WINDOWS\system32\,Value=#-,Attributes=1)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:906]: Executing op:
> RegAddValue(Name=C:\WINDOWS\system32\,Value=#-,Attributes=1)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:906]: Executing op:
> RegAddValue(Name=C:\WINDOWS\system32\mfc71.dll,Value=#-,Attributes=1)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:906]: Executing op:
> RegAddValue(Name=C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp71.dll,Value=#-,Attributes=1)
> MSI (s) (3C:80) [08:55:29:906]: Executing op:
> RegAddValue(Name=C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcr71.dll,Value=#-,Attributes=1) 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Ogilvie []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 5:10 AM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.;
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall
> They are being marked as a shared file in the registry but I don't know why.
> Here is my WXS file:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <?include ..\..\files\ProductVersion.wxi ?>
> <Wix xmlns="";>
>    <Module Id="APIx86" Language="1033" Version="$(var.ProductVersion)">
>        <Package InstallerVersion="300"
> Id="{6B543614-B5FF-4219-836D-F6B087E8C40D}" Manufacturer="PixeLINK"/>
>    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>     <Directory Name="System" Id="SystemFolder">
>        <Component Id="API"
> Guid="{089F4D76-440E-4621-B57B-3B9CF6DD9EDE}" Shared="no" Permanent ="no" >
>          <File Id="JPEGDLL32.DLL" Name="JPEGDLL32.dll"
> Source="..\..\files\JPEGDLL32.dll" />
>          <File Id="PIMMEGAAPI.DLL" Name="PimMegaApi.dll"
> Source="..\..\files\PimMegaApi.dll" />
>          <File Id="PXLAPI40.DLL" Name="PxLAPI40.dll"
> Source="..\..\files\PxLAPI40.dll" />
>          <File Id="PXLAPI41.DLL" Name="PxLAPI41.dll"
> Source="..\..\files\PxLAPI41.dll" />
>          <File Id="PXLZLIB.DLL" Name="pxlzlib.dll"
> Source="..\..\files\pxlzlib.dll" />
>          <File Id="PXLPROPPAGE.AX" Name=""
> Source="..\..\files\">
>                  <Class
> Id="{02F5DDC6-9328-4C3D-8205-DCA1C6B41299}" Context="InprocServer32"
> Description="IPxLSerial Interface Handler" ThreadingModel="both" />
>            <Class Id="{E07B2165-236E-420C-AED9-07A0B251F971}"
> Context="InprocServer32" Description="IPxLSerial Interface Handler"
> ThreadingModel="both" />
>              </File>
>          <File Id="PXLTF.AX" Name="" Source="..\..\files\"
> KeyPath="yes">
>            <Class Id="{7796EB40-B3DD-11D3-9B33-00104B310C3D}"
> Context="InprocServer32" Description="PixeLINK Video Transform Filter"
> ThreadingModel="both" />
>            <Class Id="{C7FCDF34-1204-4B4B-88C9-AC39BE14DCBD}"
> Context="InprocServer32" Description="PixeLINK Y800 Transform Filter"
> ThreadingModel="both" />
>          </File>
>          <RegistryValue Root="HKCR"
> Key="CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\{7796EB40-B3DD-11
> D3-9B33-00104B310C3D}" Name="FriendlyName" Value="PixeLINK Video Transform
> Filter" Type="string" Action="write" />
>          <RegistryValue Root="HKCR"
> Key="CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\{7796EB40-B3DD-11
> D3-9B33-00104B310C3D}" Name="CLSID"
> Value="{7796EB40-B3DD-11D3-9B33-00104B310C3D}" Type="string" Action="write"
> />
>          <RegistryValue Root="HKCR"
> Key="CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\{7796EB40-B3DD-11
> D3-9B33-00104B310C3D}" Name="FilterData"
> Value="020000000000600002000000000000003070693300000000000000000200000000000
> 000000000003074793300000000A0000000B00000003174793300000000A0000000C00000003
> 170693308000000000000000400000000000000000000003074793300000000A0000000D0000
> 0003174793300000000A0000000E00000003274793300000000A0000000F0000000337479330
> 0000000A0000000000100007669647300001000800000AA00389B71605E981FDDB3D3119B330
> 0104B310C3D4D6F31362AFBD3119B3400104B310C3D7EEB36E44F52CE119F530020AF0BA7707
> DEB36E44F52CE119F530020AF0BA7707BEB36E44F52CE119F530020AF0BA7707CEB36E44F52C
> E119F530020AF0BA770" Type="binary" Action="write" />
>          <RegistryValue Root="HKCR"
> Key="CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\{C7FCDF34-1204-4B
> 4B-88C9-AC39BE14DCBD}" Name="FriendlyName" Value="PixeLINK Y800 Transform
> Filter" Type="string" Action="write" />
>          <RegistryValue Root="HKCR"
> Key="CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\{C7FCDF34-1204-4B
> 4B-88C9-AC39BE14DCBD}" Name="CLSID"
> Value="{C7FCDF34-1204-4B4B-88C9-AC39BE14DCBD}" Type="string" Action="write"
> />
>          <RegistryValue Root="HKCR"
> Key="CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\{C7FCDF34-1204-4B
> 4B-88C9-AC39BE14DCBD}" Name="FilterData"
> Value="020000000000600002000000000000003070693300000000000000000100000000000
> 0000000000030747933000000006000000070000000317069330800000000000000010000000
> 000000000000000307479330000000060000000800000007669647300001000800000AA00389
> B715938303000001000800000AA00389B717AEB36E44F52CE119F530020AF0BA770"
> Type="binary" Action="write" />
>          <RegistryValue Root="HKLM"
> Key="Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG" Value="" Type="string"
> Action="write" />
>          <File Id="" Name=""
> Source="..\..\files\">
>                  <Class
> Id="{42D60E9D-C1BF-40CC-A9B3-DE759A52334B}" Context="InprocServer32"
> Description="IPxLSerial Interface Handler" ThreadingModel="both" />
>              </File>
>              <File Id="mfc71.dll" Name="mfc71.dll"
> Source="..\..\files\mfc71.dll" />
>              <File Id="msvcp71.dll" Name="msvcp71.dll"
> Source="..\..\files\msvcp71.dll" />
>              <File Id="msvcr71.dll" Name="msvcr71.dll"
> Source="..\..\files\msvcr71.dll" />
>              <RegistryValue Root="HKLM"
> Key="System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaInterfaces\{E07B2165-236E-420C-AE
> D9-07A0B251F971}" Value="IPxLSerial Interface Handler" Type="string"
> Action="write" />
>                      <RegistryValue Root="HKLM"
> Key="System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaInterfaces\{E07B2165-236E-420C-AE
> D9-07A0B251F971}" Name="IID" Value="65217BE06E230C42AED907A0B251F971"
> Type="binary" Action="write" />
>                      <RegistryValue Root="HKLM"
> Key="System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaSets\{E07B2165-236E-420C-AED9-07A
> 0B251F971}\PropertyPages\{02F5DDC6-9328-4C3D-8205-DCA1C6B41299}"
> Value="PixeLINK Camera Property Page" Type="string" Action="write" />
>  </Component>
>        </Directory>
>        </Directory>        
>    </Module>
> </Wix>
> Thank you,
> Michael Ogilvie
> Application Support Specialist | PixeLINK
> 1900 City Park Drive, Suite 410.
> Ottawa, Ontario K1J 1A3
> tel: 613.247.1211 Ext. 242 |  cell: 613.302.9844 | fax: 613.247.2001 |
> skype: pixelink.mogilvie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Wilson []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 5:34 PM
> To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.';
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall
> The file paths may be in the SharedDlls registry entries,
> HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\SharedDlls. 
> If you ever marked them shared or permanent and installed them, then they
> are stuck on the system. Changing the guid won't help if they're permanently
> on the system under another guid, or in SharedDlls. This is a common issue
> on dev systems used for testing (which should be done on VMs), and sometimes
> a misunderstanding of how these things work. Setting Permanent or Shared is
> not a nifty project setting that can be turned on and off. It is a system
> state as soon as a component/file is installed with these settings.
> A log might tell you more, maybe disallowing uninstall of file because
> another client exists, that kind of text. 
> Phil 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Ogilvie []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 1:30 PM
> To:; General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall
> Thought of that, I created new GUID for those components and tried the
> install again.
> Still an issue on Windows XP
> WIX 3.6 and 3.7ntries in the registry,
> Thank you,
> Michael Ogilvie
> Application Support Specialist | PixeLINK
> 1900 City Park Drive, Suite 410.
> Ottawa, Ontario K1J 1A3
> tel: 613.247.1211 Ext. 242 |  cell: 613.302.9844 | fax: 613.247.2001 |
> skype: pixelink.mogilvie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alain Forget []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 4:20 PM
> To: Michael Ogilvie; 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
> Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Uninstall
> Are unique Guids set for each installed file, particularly the ones that
> aren't being uninstalled? 
> That might not explain why it works on one OS and not another though.
> Alain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Ogilvie []
> Sent: March 19, 2013 16:17
> To:; General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Uninstall
> I remove all files then do a fresh clean install of the bundle and then a
> uninstall of the bundle and some of the files are left.
> This only happens on Windows XP, Windows 8 cleans up everything
> Thank you,
> Michael Ogilvie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alain Forget []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 4:01 PM
> To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Uninstall
> Many reasons, one of which is because they were created by the application
> as it was running on the client machine, and weren't a part of the original
> installation package.
> We'd need more details to help much more.
> Alain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Ogilvie []
> Sent: March 19, 2013 15:58
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: [WiX-users] Uninstall
> Why would some files be left after the uninstall??
> Thank you,
> Michael Ogilvie
> Application Support Specialist | PixeLINK
> 1900 City Park Drive, Suite 410.
> Ottawa, Ontario K1J 1A3
> tel: 613.247.1211 Ext. 242 |  cell: 613.302.9844 | fax: 613.247.2001 |
> skype: pixelink.mogilvie <skype://pixelink.mogilvie/?call> 
> <blocked::> 
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