I have a Burn setup that need the Net framework 4.5 as prerequisite, but if it 
is installed on a WindowsXP I have to set as prerequisite only the net 
framework 4.0 (as the Net 4.5 can't be installed on Windows XP).My bootstrapper 
(and my application) need only the Net 4.0 but as the net 4.5 has some 
improvement that make my program working better I prefer to install the Net 4.5 
if it is possible.I'd like to install only one of them, in this way I need to 
change the WixVariable that define the Burn prerequisite based on the system 
requirements. As to set the Net 4.5 as prerequisite for the bundle if the 
VersionNT > 6.0
<WixVariable Id="WixMbaPrereqPackageId" Value="Netfx45" />
if(VersionNT < 6.0) I have to set only the Net 4.0
<WixVariable Id="WixMbaPrereqPackageId" Value="Netfx40" />
I have set the install condition for the two Net Package as only one of them is 
installed as descrbed 
But I can't find a way to set only one of them as prerequisite for Burn 
package.Is there any way to set the WixVariable  "WixMbaPrereqPackageId" with a 
conditional option to be evaluated at runtime?                                  
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