I think there were a couple bugs opened on that fixed in v3.8.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Drake, David <david.dr...@wizards.com>wrote:

> I think I've already found out what was wrong.  I created my WIX Resource
> directory via the wix3.7-binaries.zip download, not by copying from the
> Program Files installed directory, and the .zip is missing a few things, to
> include Wix.ComPlusExtension.bll and WixMsmqExtension.dll.
> Since the .zip and my installed directories both have the same version,
> I'll go ahead and copy those files over which solves my immediate problem.
> This does mean that the Wix installer and binaries.zip files seem to have
> some differences as of version 3.7.1224.0.
> ~David Drake
> CES Build Engineer
> david.dr...@wizards.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Drake, David [mailto:david.dr...@wizards.com]
> Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 14:05 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. (
> wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net)
> Subject: [WiX-users] MSMQ Extension and schema
> I'm working on creating a new installer for a self-hosted web service and
> there are a couple of things I'm hoping there's an easier way to handle.
>  For this thread, I'm interested in the MSMQ Extension:
> Where did the MSMQ Extension go?  I see pages out there that talk about
> being able to add the following:
> xmlns:msmq="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/MsmqExtension";
> but doing so via VS2012 with Wix 3.7.1224.0 does not give me any sort of
> auto complete when I start creating any of the MSMQ related nodes.  I don't
> even see the namespace show up.  Did it get removed?
> ~David Drake
> CES Build Engineer
> david.dr...@wizards.com
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