2013/11/1 Phil Wilson <phildgwil...@gmail.com>:
>  If there's a way to avoid using PATH, try to find it and use it. There are
> always issues with that, not only install and uninstall but corruption,
> files and Dlls being picked up from the wrong directory and so on.

I concur.

I had problems during development with an application failing to
start, saying a DLL of a wrong architecture was being loaded. It turns
out an Intel Wi-Fi driver (or whatever OEM crapware it was, but it was
definitely from Intel) adds its program folder to the PATH, and
there's a 64-bit zlib1.dll in there.

That's just one of half a dozen directories the Intel crapware added
to my PATH. Just because the big guys are doing it doesn't make it


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