By the way, the last sentence of Nicolás' remarks seems to be our single 
biggest problem "with WiX" here - so much stuff does unoptimal practice with 
installations, file locations, environment set up, OS settings, etc. it is 
difficult for a few people like myself to show that a more optimal practice is 
desirable ... I get "but XYZ does it that way!" a lot. We all learn from 
examples, and unfortunately it when it comes to installation especially 
examples are hard to find that illustrate various principles. For example, I am 
still (like many here) trying to figure out when one *would* do a Minor Upgrade 
vs. a Major Upgrade. I understand now what the difference in effect is, I 
think, but that still leaves why.

Keith Douglas
Statistics Canada | 170 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
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Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolás Alvarez [] 
Sent: November-03-13 3:22 PM
To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Environment Variable Changes by MSI are not reflected

2013/11/1 Phil Wilson <>:
>  If there's a way to avoid using PATH, try to find it and use it. 
> There are always issues with that, not only install and uninstall but 
> corruption, files and Dlls being picked up from the wrong directory and so on.

I concur.

I had problems during development with an application failing to start, saying 
a DLL of a wrong architecture was being loaded. It turns out an Intel Wi-Fi 
driver (or whatever OEM crapware it was, but it was definitely from Intel) adds 
its program folder to the PATH, and there's a 64-bit zlib1.dll in there.

That's just one of half a dozen directories the Intel crapware added to my 
PATH. Just because the big guys are doing it doesn't make it right.


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