I’m running into issues to add couple registry keys to HKLM hive.  This is a 
requirement for the project to add the key to HKLM as they can be accessed from 
a local system service.  HKCU is not accessible from a local system service.

When I use the code below, I’m getting ICE errors.  Tried different ways to 
avoid the error, but unable to see the key under HKLM created after 
installation.  I think I’m missing some basic here.

error LGHT0204: ICE38: Component CMPApplicationStartMenuShortcut installs to 
user profile. It's KeyPath registry key must fall under HKCU.
error LGHT0204: ICE43: Component CMPApplicationStartMenuShortcut has 
non-advertised shortcuts. It's KeyPath registry key should fall under HKCU.
error LGHT0204: ICE57: Component 'CMPApplicationStartMenuShortcut' has both 
per-user and per-machine data with a per-machine KeyPath.

<!-- program menu items -->
   <Component Id="CMPApplicationStartMenuShortcut" 
Guid="13269471-FC6F-40E6-B7BF-02CDB3395A11" >
     <Shortcut Id="UninstallDriver"
   Arguments="/x [ProductCode]"
          Icon="PackageIcon" />
        <RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Spectrum" 
Name="SpectrumPackageVersion" Type="string"     
        <RemoveFolder Id="PROGRAMMENUDIR" On="uninstall"/>

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