In some ways the ICE error reflects the fact that you are trying to deal
with two separate things here, one for the user and one for the service.

The service doesn't need a shortcut. It needs only the ProductCode
somewhere in the registry where it can find it, and frankly I wouldn't use
msiexec.exe I'd use the actual API because you're writing code there, not
typing commands into a command prompt. Use MsiConfigureProduct
(...INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT).  You may need to set the UI level to nothing to
avoid showing UI from a service - use MsiSetInternalUI before you do the
uninstall. So put that ProductID somewhere away from the shortcut

The shortcut component can then be a bona fide user shortcut built to avoid
the ICE error.

Phil Wilson

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Shyam Kannam <>wrote:

> I’m running into issues to add couple registry keys to HKLM hive.  This is
> a requirement for the project to add the key to HKLM as they can be
> accessed from a local system service.  HKCU is not accessible from a local
> system service.
> When I use the code below, I’m getting ICE errors.  Tried different ways
> to avoid the error, but unable to see the key under HKLM created after
> installation.  I think I’m missing some basic here.
> error LGHT0204: ICE38: Component CMPApplicationStartMenuShortcut installs
> to user profile. It's KeyPath registry key must fall under HKCU.
> error LGHT0204: ICE43: Component CMPApplicationStartMenuShortcut has
> non-advertised shortcuts. It's KeyPath registry key should fall under HKCU.
> error LGHT0204: ICE57: Component 'CMPApplicationStartMenuShortcut' has
> both per-user and per-machine data with a per-machine KeyPath.
> <!-- program menu items -->
>    <Component Id="CMPApplicationStartMenuShortcut"
> Guid="13269471-FC6F-40E6-B7BF-02CDB3395A11" >
>      <Shortcut Id="UninstallDriver"
>    Name="!(loc.Uninstall)"
>    Description="!(loc.UninstallDescription)"
>    Target="[System64Folder]msiexec.exe"
>    Arguments="/x [ProductCode]"
>           Icon="PackageIcon" />
>         <RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Spectrum"
> Name="SpectrumPackageVersion" Type="string"
> Value="$(var.MSIPACKAGEVERSION)"/>
>         <RemoveFolder Id="PROGRAMMENUDIR" On="uninstall"/>
>    </Component>
> </ComponentGroup>
> Sent from Windows Mail
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