I don't want to violate the security.  The applications in the bundle were
installed on the first install in a per-machine install.  Burn was elevated
at the UAC prompt. There are many other keys which are part of this app
which are also written under HKLM.  (I am not intending to do a per-user

However in one MSI package in my bundle chain, the only Feature had:
<Feature Id="QuickDisc" Title="$(var.AppName)" Level="1"
InstallDefault="local" TypicalDefault="advertise">

and there is a shortcut on the desktop which is advertised.

So for some time now (testing on Windows 8) I run the bundle and all
packages get installed, but the files related to this particular package do
not get installed, until after the bundle completes and I click on the
application's desktop shortcut.  At which point msiexec launches the package
to do what I am calling the 'advertised' install of the files, and then
launches the application.  (I did not realize that it is a 'repair' if that
is the case.)  So these registry keys that write to HKLM have been part of
the package for some time, but only recently does this one fragment, which I
moved from one wxs to another wxs file start displaying this error.  The log
for this package when Burn is running is verbose, but when the shortcut
launches msiexec only the error line is displayed.  I will work on this more
next week.

Since I want to install the application on a per-machine basis (and write
config info to HKLM) it sounds like I should not allow the feature to be
advertised (or go back to the application developer and get them to write
the application so that interaction with HKLM is not needed, which I would

I think I assumed that when Burn was run, and UAC was accepted to elevate
the install, that the automatic invoking of msiexec by clicking on the
advertised shortcut would either also run elevated (or that the elevated
stuff had already been done when the package was launched by burn as a
per-machine ALLUSER=1 package).  So am a little confused wondering:
1) why it worked for so long and when I moved source code it stopped
working?  (I know, I should know what I changed more than others.)   But I
wonder if I am missing something in understanding this.
2) If the install of the application (by clicking on the advertised
shortcut) is in a per user context, and this is a per-machine setup, should
I disable advertising the feature?  or do something else to prevent this?

In the MSI package (on Win 7 and later, based on the MSDN ALLUSERS docs)
should set the properties in my MSI of ALLUSERS and  MSIINSTALLPERUSER to
assure a per-machine installation? 

I'm just wondering what the best approach for a per-machine installation,
and not trying to do something that would violate security.
thanks for any advice.

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