I'm using the MajorUpgrade as follows:
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="Newer version already installed." />

However, when I install the newer version on top of an existing version, I get 
the following error message:

"The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory:" 
C:\Program Files\<Manufacturer>\<ProductName>.  The installation cannot 
continue.  Logon as administrator or contact your system administrator."

I in installing on a Windows 2012 R2 system though I get the same results on 
Windows 7.  The installer is being build for x64 if that matters.

I think what's happening is that it's uninstalling the old version 
successfully, but the install directory is removed.  When the new install 
starts the same install directory cannot be accessed because the install 
directory is scheduled for deletion by the OS.  Is there any workaround for 

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