Hi Jeremiahf,

Thanks for your reply =).

Im saving the path in the registy
(<RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\[ManufacturerName]\Me" Name="Path"
Type="string" Value="h:\topfolder\middlefolder" KeyPath="yes" />)
 insted of creating it as a directory
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir"> 
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder"> 
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="Wix example application" /> 
since I understood that the directory would not be saved to the wix

I'm using RegistryValue insted of Registry Element since the wix
documentation says that Registry Element is depricated.

I know that the driver letter always will be H: since it is a requirement
from the customer.

I still don't understand why it works on C but not on H. And it is
interesing that it almost work on H(anly one directory is left undeleted).

I'm thankful for your help, but unfortunatelly I have still not managed to
solve the problem.

Regards Samir

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