
Thank you for your quick response. I didn't get this quite clearly. Can you 
please help?

Attached is my bundle.wxs file. There are few thing I am not very sure how to 
do. Some background before the queries.

The bundle.wxs pacages 3 MSI's. Prerequisite(1), ResourceFolder(2) and 
Final_SF1(3). They are to be called in sequence I mentioned. The only MSI which 
has GUI and is localized is Final_SF1. This localized MSI's are available in 
the respective folders 
 from my build script in respective language folders. I have created fragments 
as mentioned in earlier reply for few languages.

Now the issues.
1. How does I fit these localized MSI's into the sequence of execution?
2. How the bundle knows (or rather I tell bundle) which langaueg Final_SF1 MSI 
is to be called/executed?
3. And the current code fails to build saying "error CNDL0005: The Chain 
element contains an unexpected child element 'PackageGroup'"

Am I missing something obvious ? What changes I need to do in my bundle.wxs.


     From: Phill Hogland [via Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset] 
 To: James <unk...@yahoo.com> 
 Sent: Friday, 5 December 2014, 11:21
 Subject: Re: Deploying multiple cultures using Burn/MSI(s). Wix 3.9 issue??
 Based on input in this thread I concluded that using embedded transforms would 
not work in a Burn driven scenario reliably.  At the time I had difficulty 
understanding how to allow the packages to be created with multiple cultures in 
separate output folders and then pull those back into the bundle.  I posted 
this question and got good advice.

When a package builds, it uses an external cab file, and builds the output of 
that package project to separate culture named output folders (default behavior 
of wix).

Then in the bundle's I rename the package like this

    <PackageGroup Id='App'>
      <PackageGroupRef Id='App_de_DE'/>
      <PackageGroupRef Id='App_en_US'/>
    <PackageGroup Id='App_de_DE'>
      <MsiPackage Id='App_de_DE'
    <PackageGroup Id='App_en_US'>
      <MsiPackage Id='App_en_US'

The packages are not compressed so the renamed msi and related external cab 
file end up in a sub folder relative to the bundle named App.  The tree is much 
larger than when transforms are used, but since we stage to a server and the 
customer only gets the small bootstrapper exe (and the packages that their 
configuration needs), this seems to work for use.  Others in this list 
mentioned using the transforms external to the msi, but I can't speak to that 
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